Thursday, March 22, 2007

Inaugural post

Well, here I am. I have no clue who will read this, if anyone. But I have had it, need an outlet. My country is in the process of being high-jacked by a petty, little, little man from Ontario, who now calls Alberta "home" although he today actually lives in a place he has always coveted, in a sick and I have no doubt also perverse way -- 24 SUSSEX DRIVE. For any of you yanks in the crowd (yeah, right), that is the equivalent of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. :-o

You may not read or even care that I post, but post I must. I hate the dude. And I don't use that word lightly. HATE. He is no match for the evilness that is Dick Cheney....but he is a distant and pathetic like, 5th inbred cousin. He has proven to be the quickest study of all time in Canadian national politics......he is using our money to rape and pillage us, and he may well get a majority government for doing it. Tabernac! Wake up people!!

So, I am not actually ready to post anything articulate today. I have only just set this blog up.....but I will be back when I have composed some thoughts that I believe deserve some consideration. An election is due sooner rather than later and this evil, little creature (think Gollum seeking his precious) will stop at NOTHING to have his way with us, the Canadian voter. Well ok, he has already written off me and all my BC neighbours, and he can count on Albertans leaning up against the wall and assuming the position (dumb, redneck George Bush loving dog f*ckers that they are, "no it's ok I don't need any lube..."). So, as my Quebecois friends (and I do have some, well for now anyways!) take my tax dollars and get drunk celebrating their income tax break..... know this, we will go down, to speak, SCREAMING AND SHOUTING against the unfairness and insanity of it all. Stephen Harper is a bully, with a hidden agenda, who has successfully managed to muzzle the wacko fringe element WHO ARE ACTUALLY ELECTED CANADIAN MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT, and keep his true intentions for government policy from us regular Jane and Joe Canadians. Be very, very afraid. Your complacency shall be the ruin of us all.

Disclaimer: I am not a member of any political party, have never run for office, and actually believe from the core of my being that Canada is probably the best country on the planet in which to live. Democracy and freedom are not ideas or notions here, they are REALITY.